If you have visited a local restaurant lately in the Pembroke or Black Creek areas, you probably have noticed the brightly colored banners displayed there that feature writing samples from Lanier Primary School students.
Students were asked to write about their favorite local restaurant. Teachers collected the writing samples, and several pieces were chosen to be displayed in local eating establishments.
One of the standards a student is expected to learn at the primary-school level is presenting their opinion and supporting it with details. Teachers at Lanier Primary strive to make learning relevant to the real world in which students live. Every student has a favorite restaurant, and it seemed natural to have them express their opinion about their favorite place to eat. It was very interesting to read the students’ writing samples. Some of the writings were quite amusing. It always is entertaining to get a glimpse of the world through a child’s eyes.
This was a great opportunity for our students and the community. The students love seeing their writing displayed in the restaurants, and it gives our school an opportunity to show the community how student writing progresses as students get older and move through primary school. It also gives Lanier Primary an opportunity to support and encourage some of the local businesses.
Hodges is the assistant principal at Lanier Primary School.
Lanier Primary students rate restaurant
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