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BoE to seek funds for new elementary school
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A new elementary school in North Bryan could be a reality sooner than expected after a decision from the Bryan County Board of Education at Monday night’s called meeting.

Following a presentation from Georgia Department of Education Facilities Consultant Dr. Mickey Schuber, the board unanimously approved applying for state entitlement funds that are specifically for capital outlay projects, such as additional classrooms or new schools.

Each school system in the state accumulates entitlement monies from year to year, Schuber said, and Bryan County has already accumulated $1.5 million in regular entitlement and $2 million in growth entitlement. By applying for state funding during next year’s legislative session, he added, the county’s school system could get more funds to put toward the new Bryan County Elementary School during fiscal year 2013.

Superintendent John Oliver further explained Tuesday that with the $2 million in growth entitlement funds, which are based on both student enrollment and anticipated growth in the county, the school system could apply for another $2.1 million if the Legislature approves funding the growth entitlement at the statewide maximum level of $100 million.

“That would be a total of $4.1 million in growth (entitlement) money,” Oliver said. “To make use of state funding, the board should authorize, as they did, an application for the state monies, which would be $4.1 million minus our 16 percent of (state-required) local participation – leaving us with a net of $3.45 million for (a new) Bryan County Elementary.”

Read more in the July 20 edition of the News.

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