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BCMS teachers serve at McDonalds for charity
Bryan County Middle School teachers Melissa Adams, left, Marie Patterson, Tracy Robinson, Tiffany Hursey, Gina Campbell and Lexy Romberg smile for the camera Nov. 15 with eighth-grader Avery Adams, who served as the dancing cow during the schools annual McTeacher Night at McDonalds in Pembroke. - photo by Photo provided.

Bryan County Middle School teachers Melissa Adams, left, Marie Patterson, Tracy Robinson, Tiffany Hursey, Gina Campbell and Lexy Romberg smile for the camera Nov. 15 with eighth-grader Avery Adams, who served as the dancing cow during the school’s annual McTeacher Night at McDonald’s in Pembroke.

The teachers, who served at the counter and drive-thru window and helped clean up the dining room, made more than $100 in tips that — along with 20 percent of the profits earned during the three-hour McTeacher Night — will go to the school’s PTO.

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Groups hand out scholarships
RH theater scholarship
Richmond Hill High School senior Jacey Shanholtzer shows her Dawn Harrington Berry Spotlight Award, which was awarded by the Richmond Hill Community Theatre and includes a $500 scholarship. With her are Tom Harris, Ashlee Farris, Brett Berry and Kim Diebold. The award was created in memory of Dawn Harrington Berry, a long time RHCT member and president who died in 2016. - photo by Photo provided.

Three reports recently presented scholarships

Richmond Hill High School senior Jacey Shanholtzer received the Dawn Harrington Berry Spotlight Award, which was awarded by the Richmond Hill Community Theatre and includes a $500 scholarship. The award was created in memory of Dawn Harrington Berry, a long time RHCT member and president who died in 2016.

Garden Club

The Richmond Hill Garden Club recently awarded a $1,000 scholarship to Katherine Wood and a $500 scholarship to Carly Vargas, both seniors graduating from Richmond Hill High School.

The awards were presented May 8 during Honors Night at RHHS.

Wood plans to attend Green Mountain College in Vermont and major in environmental studies.

Vargas plans to attend Tennessee Technological University in Cookeville, Tennessee, to pursue a degree in either environmental studies or biology.

The garden club awards a $1,000 scholarship annually to a local high school senior who plans to major in a field related to environmental concerns, plants and/or gardening.

This year, due to having two exceptional candidates, the garden club awarded an additional $500 scholarship.

Exchange Club

The Exchange Club of Richmond Hill recently named Caroline Odom as its student of the year.

The club each month during the school year names a student of the month, and the student of the year is chosen from among those winners.

Awards are based on academic performance, community involvement and leadership.

Monthly winners receive $100, with the annual winner getting a $1,000 scholarship.

The Exchange Club has been recognizing students for more than 30 years.

Odom will go on to compete in the Georgia District Exchange Club against students from across the state.

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